Spread Illustration



  • Spread across two full pages, normally with text on the illustration.
  • While a mix of different illustration sizes makes a beautiful book, going all out and making your entire book double-page spreads will undoubtedly will make it amazing!
  • Up to six characters
  • Detailed background
  • Extra characters – $15 each

Book Cover Design



  • Have a custom illustration created for your cover, plus a beautiful design, ready for ebook and print!
  • If you use an illustration from book interior, the price is only $75 for cover design
  • Front, back and spine designed
  • Custom illustration
  • Title beautifully designed
  • All required text and graphics added
  • ISBN and barcode added
  • ISBN and barcode added
  • Includes paperback, hardcover and ebook formats
  • Set up for you chosen publishing platform(s)

Book Design



  • The last step is your interior book design. Here we lay out your illustrations and add all the text, choosing the perfect typography and colors.
  • We also create your front and back matter pages.
  • (Up to 32 pages. An additional $5 per page after that)
  • Typography suited to book
  • Customized typography colors
  • Full book layout
  • Print-ready and ebook files

Spot Illustration



  • Small, simple illustrations to liven up a page with text.
  • They’re a quarter of a page or less with no background
  • Can be placed as a chapter heading, corner decoration, or next to/within a body of text
  • One character or object OR
  • Two simple characters/objects

Half Page Illustration



  • As the name says, this is an illustration that fills half a page.
  • While it can be detailed, because of its smaller size, the background will be less detailed than a full page illustration.
  • Up to two characters
  • Extra characters – $15 each
  • Background

Full Page Illustration



  • This is a full page illustration where we pull out all the stops and include lots of detail!
  • We can also leave space for your text if needed.
  • Up to three characters
  • Detailed background
  • Extra characters – $15 each

Consult, Learn More & Let’s Get Crazily Illustrative


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